MCU Newsline

2025 Annual Meeting Notice

Mark your calendar for Monday, March 24, 2024, and plan to attend the MCU Annual Business Meeting. The meeting will be held at 6:00pm at the Cleburne Conference Center.  There will be a short business meeting for approval of the Minutes from 2024’s Annual Business Meeting and the election of Board Members. Afterwards there will be a door-prize drawing. Tickets for door-prizes will be handed out to adult Members at the door.

Our Credit Union depends on volunteers to serve on our committees and to assist in other ways.  A nominating committee has been appointed to coordinate and compile a listing of those who may be interested in volunteering their time.  The members of the nominating committee are Chris Cooke, Greg Harmon & Gary Heinrich. You may contact them directly or drop by the Credit Union office for further information on serving as a volunteer for your credit union.  Current Board Members up for re-election during the Annual Meeting include David Price, Debbie Rice and Sabrina Watson.

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